Utopia & Uchronia

Uchronia(*) is a neologism forged in 1876 by a French philosopher, Charles Renouvier, based on Thomas More's Utopia.
  • Utopia is derived from the greek words "ou" (no) and "topos" (place), meaning "no-place"
  • Uchronia is derived from "ou" and "chronos", meaning "no-time"

Out of Space and Time, Utopia & Uchronia, is very much what this blog is about.

Uchronies 2, is the title of an exhibition hosted by the gallery Ars Longa (Paris) and introducing artists working on the concepts of imagination and space.

I particularly enjoyed NG 's works and ideas. She is a nomadic performer, "testing utopic prototypes" and "exploring the relationship between physical and mental space".
Her present project is titled YOUR HOUSE IS MY HOME-LIVING IN UTOPIA. Her experience of living in the futuristic Bubble House designed by Antti Lovag is the first chapter of it. video
You can follow her quest for an ideal place and life on her blog.
(*) - Uchronia is my translation. The word invented by the philosopher was in fact, the french word "uchronie", based on the french translation of utopia, "utopie".

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