Paul Ranson

Hippogriff, 1891

Paul Ranson (1861-1909) was painter and a theosophist, and his works are an open window to a colourfull magic and spiritual world.

He was a member of the Nabis(*) group. They used to meet in his studio called 'The Temple', at 25 boulevard de Montparnasse in Paris.

(*) 'Nabi', comes from the hebrew 'nebiim' and means 'prophet'.

Exhibition :
Paul Ranson - Fantasmes et sortilèges,
Musée Maurice Denis - Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France
October 24 2009 - January 24, 2010.



I can't wait to watch the film.
The green-eyed blue humanoids look so great.


The Cloud - London 2012

Beautiful and futuristic,
The Cloud monument projected for the Olympics.

“The CLOUD proposes an entirely new form of observation deck,connecting visitors to both the whole of London and the whole of the world, immersing them in the euphoric gusts of weather and digital data."
Find more on THE CLOUD website


Perplex City

Perplex City is a fictitious metropolis. The most important characteristic of the city's culture is the importance they place on puzzles and other mental pursuits.

Perplex City was, actually, a long-term alternate-reality game created by Mindy Candy, a London-based development team.

Find the whole story on Wikipedia.


More about Alternate Reality Gaming (AEG):


Utopia & Uchronia

Uchronia(*) is a neologism forged in 1876 by a French philosopher, Charles Renouvier, based on Thomas More's Utopia.
  • Utopia is derived from the greek words "ou" (no) and "topos" (place), meaning "no-place"
  • Uchronia is derived from "ou" and "chronos", meaning "no-time"

Out of Space and Time, Utopia & Uchronia, is very much what this blog is about.

Uchronies 2, is the title of an exhibition hosted by the gallery Ars Longa (Paris) and introducing artists working on the concepts of imagination and space.

I particularly enjoyed NG 's works and ideas. She is a nomadic performer, "testing utopic prototypes" and "exploring the relationship between physical and mental space".
Her present project is titled YOUR HOUSE IS MY HOME-LIVING IN UTOPIA. Her experience of living in the futuristic Bubble House designed by Antti Lovag is the first chapter of it. video
You can follow her quest for an ideal place and life on her blog.
(*) - Uchronia is my translation. The word invented by the philosopher was in fact, the french word "uchronie", based on the french translation of utopia, "utopie".


Simon Rodia's Watts Towers

"Nuestro Pueblo" aka "Watts Towers"
The picture was taken from This site,
where you can find others pictures and links to sites dedicated to Simon Rodia's works.

Simon Rodia (?-1965)

I didn't know what to begin with, but the page on my calendar shows a picture of the Watt Towers by Simon Rodia. It's the perfect and fascinating example of a dream come true.
Read the emblematic history of the work labelled 'unauthorized public hazard' by the city of Los Angeles when they wanted it to be destroyed.

Watts Towers are located at :
1765 East 107th St
Los Angeles, California